Enquête coaching / Oxford Brookes University Business School
Si vous voulez faire avancer la recherche, vous êtes conviés par le biais de l'Université et de Pauline Fatien intervenante au DUEC, à participer à une grande enquête internationale sur les principaux sujets abordés en coaching.
Tous les détails ci-dessous.
Merci !
Dear coaching colleagues
You are invited to participate in a research project into the actual topics of coaching conversations and how those topics develop through the course of the coaching intervention.
The research will be carried out in two stages. This is Stage 1. In this stage, we are collecting coaches’ own descriptions of the topics they discuss with their clients. In the second stage, we will be asking a larger number of coaches to track the shifts in the topics discussed with their clients.
We will not know or ask your identity nor the identity of any clients or client organisations.
If you are an external coach who is working with organisational clients and would like to take part in this research please follow this is a link to access the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/coaching-themes-research-Pt1
Further important information about being a participant can be found through this link: https://sites.google.com/brookes.ac.uk/ioc2019-participant-info/home
Prof Tatiana Bachkirova
Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies, Oxford Brookes University Business School.
Dr Peter Jackson
Deputy Director of the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies, Oxford Brookes University Business School.
Dr Joana Suta
Research assistant, International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies, Oxford Brookes University Business School.
If you have any enquiries about the survey, please contact Joana in the first instance: joana.suta@brookes.ac.uk
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